Thursday, April 23, 2009
Excuse I
Friday, March 27, 2009
Blizzard delivers!
Quote from Blizzard staff
Loot from clams now stacks correctly!
Finally! Solid patch 3.1 change.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Spell suggestions for holy paladins
So, what needs to be done? At the very least holy paladins must have a good incentive to use all of their healing spells, since they have so few. Right now there's Holy Light that is the bread and butter healing spell. Flash of Light can be weaved in to the rotation (when the tank is near full health) to save mana and it can be used together with a IoL proc to increase mobility. That isn't enough to be honest. Mainly because it's really boring. As for Holy Shock, I'm not sure it's potent enough to save the day in PvE, but it's boost to mobility alone make people use it. So making people use FoL, without abandoning HL, would be a good start.
Other than that...what can be done to make holy paladin healing more fun? How about a proc with a duration that change the way the paladin heal for a few seconds? How about a judgement that actually help the holy paladin with healing (so that you can gain something from judging often)? How about a new healing spell?
I'll try to create some suggestions:
Nurturing Light (18% of base mana, instant cast, 40 yd range)
Infuses the target with a healing light for 5 sec. When Nurturing Light completes its duration or is dispelled, the target and 4 nearby party or raid members are healed for x to y. Your Flash of Light spells landing on the target will increase the duration for 4 sec up to a maximum of 15 sec and the healing effect will increase over time up to a maximum of 400% after 15 sec uptime. You can only have one Nurturing Light active at a time.
It's mana efficiency is great if the FoLs doesn't overheal, and decent if they only overheal. By juggling FoL you can make Nurturing Light go off when it really matters, with decent precision.
This suggestion would give holy paladins a new spell, which is a unique AoE empowered by direct heals. This would give an incentive to use FoL, both to empower the AoE and to trigger it's effect at the right moment inbetween using HL.
Improved Judgement of Light
Your Judgement of Light effect scale 50%/100%/150% better from spell power, but scale 33%/66%/100% worse from attack power. In addition your Judgement of Light spell will heal 3 nearby targets for x - y / x*2 - y*2 / x*3 - y*3.
This suggestion will give holy paladins a unique AoE, restricted by proximity to the hostile target that get judged, and thus get another tool. It will give holy paladins the choice of judging often, as opposed to now that you want to judge as seldom as possible. It should give the paladin more to do while allowing her to babysit JotP a little less. The spell should also scale in favor of the holy paladin now, so that ret paladins can judge wisdom as it should be. Glyph of Holy Light can be scrapped and redone.
Might edit the post if I can think of a fun proc. But for now, ta-ta.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Replenisher Role(?)
Nerf healing, because healers get spots in raids because they can heal.
As you well know, assuming you read the thread, this was a case of a class or spec wanting a unique buff to guarantee them a raid spot. It wasn't enough to bring *a* buff. They wanted a unique buff such that their guild would say, for example, "We have to take a Retribution paladin or we'll be really behind."
I admit, I'm no fan of replenishment as the ability works right now. However I can see the potential that Blizzard do in all of this (I think). I don't get why GC compared replenishment to healing. One is a role while the other is a passive (more or less) ability. Apples and Oranges. Or do they really view replenishment as a role? I beg to differ. For it to qualify as a role it would have to take skill. Right now it's a watered down version of the dps skillset. You just dps, good or bad doesn't matter, and you get replenishment as a freebe. You can't really be a bad replenisher, only a bad dps'er while doing it. If it did take skill, and a different kind of skill, then replenisher could be considered a role.
It could turn out ok if they made a new role out of replenishment, a real role, and it could end up as a general support role (dps/support) eventually. Problem would be that it's a big change, and one that the affected specs never signed up for. On the other hand there are certainly people that would like this gaming style. Maximizing their (active) support while bringing as much dps as possible, a fine line.
There might be something to replenishment. I just think Blizzard are doing it all wrong. Either it's a unique buff (and susceptible to nerfs) or it's a role, not some form of bastard child between the two. Personally I'd treat it as a buff amogst others, and stop removing other aspects of mana regen to make it fit. Blizzard, you want groups to grow in power as the group grows right? You are moving away from that at the moment with the merger of BoW and MST. When I'm ready to implement a sweeping change as a support role, then I'd go for it. Not before that.
Friday, March 13, 2009
BoW & MST stack no more
This change could make sense depending on how they will go about this. If they buff BoW and Mana Spring Totem so that they have the power of both combined, then it might be a nice change for 10-man instances and below. A slight buff for 25-man instances as well as that you won’t have to stack shamans for maximum mana regen. Downside is less totem options for shamans in a raid setting. If they don’t buff these spells then replenish will be even more mandatory, which doesn’t make sense. It would be nice if the shaman totem was stronger than BoW after talents, but without removing BoW. Then shamans would have a reason to use their totem in raids, and BoW still makes a nice buffer.
Edit: Blizzard have now mentioned that this change is intended as a nerf as well as a homogenisation, although they will buff the spells if they see that mana regen is too low.
(Source) / (Source)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Emerald Dream
The Emerald Dream (working name)
* Gain access to the Emerald Dream and explore the supercontinent Kalimdor! This is the largest continent in a WoW expansion so far, filled with new content.
* Grow in power as you make your way to level 90, gaining new abilities and talents along the way.
* Hold your guild meetings in a Guild Hall! The Guild Hall is bound to the guild, not to any person in particular, so anyone can contribute to the look and atmosphere of the building. While much of the furniture and decorations can be acquired by the means of gold (or simply by being an old guild), much must be earned by achieving things as a guild!
* Guild Achievements has been added to the game! A few of these achievements can be earned by single guild members, but most require you to accomplish things as a group or a raid. Lead your guild to glory!
* Learn more about the Emerald Nightmare and help in the fight against it. See whole zones change as the corruption regresses.
* Two new professions: Carving and Woodcutting! Carving let you fashion solid materials like horn, stone or wood into useful items. Woodcutting allow you to cut wood to be used in carving, but also in other crafting professions.
* Play and master the new hero class. Spirit Walker, a champion of the spirit world.
* And much, much more!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Paladins and the PTR
* Auras will now persist through death and affect a 40 yard radius.
I didn't mind reactivating auras after getting resurrected, but the range change...about time...
* Blessing of Kings is now trainable at level 20. Removed from talent trees.
A change long overdue. The buff is too important to be limited to one (or perhaps two) specs. In fact some other class should recieve an eqvivalent version.
* Hand of Sacrifice: The damage transferred by this ability is now capped by the Paladin’s health.
I'm not sure why it would have to be limited in two ways, it already has a time restraint.
* Forbearance reduced to 2 min duration.
Won't really make a differance.
* Sacred Shield: This effect cannot be cast on more than one friendly target at a time.
I can see why it would be nerfed. Well, I can't see how it could be nerfed due to heavy raid damage mitigation as they claim. There are worse culprits in that area, like Judgement of Light, that require less effort to boot. I would have liked to do something more fun than to keep a spell up and running on all raid members with my spare GCDs. Bad thing is that it devalues FoL even further and that Blizzard doesn't throw holy paladins a bone to make up for the loss.
* Aura Mastery: Now makes anyone affected by Concentration Aura to be immune to Interrupt and Silence mechanics and increases the effectiveness of all other auras by 100%. Lasts 10 sec. 2 min cooldown.
Seem very unpolished. It also doesn't have the wow factor other classes specs have when they get their 11p talent at level 20. It could potentially be a fun talent.
* Blessed Hands: No longer reduces cooldowns of Hand spells. Instead, it improves the effectiveness of Hand of Salvation by 50/100% and Hand of Sacrifice by an additional 5/10%.
From worthless to great to worthless again.
* Enlightened Judgements: No longer increases the range of Judgement of Justice. Moved to Tier 10.
* Infusion of Light: Now increases the critical chance of your next Holy Light by 10/20% instead of reducing cast time. Moved to Tier 10.
* Judgements of the Pure moved to Tier 9.
* Sacred Cleansing moved to Tier 8.
This redesign doesn't change much for PvE, other than tree look less estetic. PvP'ers might be even more tempted to go for a retribution hybrid, which is bad. The Enlightened Judgements change...why? Isn't it more fun for the spec if it can stop a runner and save the day? Did druids cry their eyes out that they have one counter class? The Infusion of Light change makes no sense at all. Bottom line is that playing a holy paladin just got a whole lot less fun.
* Improved Concentration Aura: The resistance to silence and interrupt granted by this talent now becomes active when any Aura is used, not just Concentration Aura.
Good change, from a PvP perspective. Now the paladin have a choice to change aura depending on the setup they face.
* Improved Devotion Aura: The additional healing granted by this talent now becomes active when any Aura is used, not just Devotion Aura.
Good change. Devotion Aura usually isn't prio one amongst auras.
* Divine Guardian re-designed: Now increases the effectiveness of Divine Sacrifice by an additional 5/10% and increases the duration of Sacred Shield by 50/100% and the amount absorbed by 10/20%.
This talent was nerfed, and I could see why. How exactly is Divine Sacrifice improved? More health transfered or a higher potential? The Sacred Shield part is nice.
* Divine Protection: Cooldown reduced to 3 min.
Seem natural after the spell effect was changed.
* New Talent: Divine Sacrifice: Causes all party/raid members affected by one of the paladin’s auras to transfer 30% of all damage taken to the paladin (maximum of 150% of the paladin’s max health). Lasts 10 sec. 2 min cooldown.
Wierd and somewhat unimaginative talent. What happens if you use it during a raidwide AoE? Instant death?
* New Talent: Divinity: Tier-1 protection talent, increases healing done by and to you by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Decent entry talent for holy into the protection tree.
* Sanctified Seals: Renamed Sanctity of Battle. Now also increases damage done by Exorcism and Crusader Strike by 5/10/15%
Even more of a reason for holy paladins to get this talent. For PvP and damage dealing potential in general.
The long story short is: Blizzard is dumbing down the spec and are making it less fun to play. Come on! Don't nerf the stuff that makes healing as a paladin remotely fun and start nerfing stuff that doesn't have an impact on the fun factor. Honestly.
On a different note, I've been feeling like designing a hero class. A healing hero class. Will have to see if I can think of something.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Blizzard listens (times two)
First the "ghetto hearthing" trick will be nerfed in patch 3.1. That is, the trick to leave a group in an instance to get teleported to your inn. There are probably more names for this trick than there are WoW game servers, since it's more like an exploit than a feature. It's just that it has grown to be viewed as a feature. Because of the magnitude of which the trick was used (and because of the outcry!), Blizzard figured they can now cut the cooldown of the ordinary hearthstone by half. So it's not all bad!
Second: The dual spec feature was included from the start in the PTR. Since then, and before that for that matter, many have complained about the lvl 80 req on the feature. Well guess what, Blizzard gave in. They didn't lower it to what I would have guessed, lvl 60 or 70, but as low as lvl 40. The cost for this feature will stay at 1000g though, leaving it for seasoned players and their twink alts. A fine decision if you ask me.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tier 8 versus the Runway!
First up on the runway is...the Death Knight! (Pic 1/Pic 2)
Carys - ok set but the helmet kind of ruins it, whats up with the horns?
Ghost - First impression is: Retouched warrior tier 3. Not much originality but somehow Blizzard pulls it off. Warrior tier 3 is one of the all time best looking tier sets, and Blizzard improve on it to make it look even more sinister. Looks great on the Death Knight. Could use some work to distinguish it from the predecessor, but they are getting there.
NuclearAnt - 7/10, mostly because the face on the torso remind me of Krang in the Turtles, and he was cool. :p
Carys' points: 5
Ghost's points: 8
NuclearAnt's points: 7
Total score: 20
Next, let's hear it for the Druid! (Pic 1/Pic 2)
Carys - wtf no kilt? and the head and shoulders will just look riddiculous on taurens, thank god for forms!
Ghost - I couldn't help but to chuckle when I saw the Druid models. Helm plus shoulder armor together give the druids a cartoonish look that isn't quite expected, or wanted I'd say. Don't get me wrong, the idea of those armor pieces are good. But they need some work so that they don't come out as silly. The rest of the armor look great, a compromise between savage and stylish.
NuclearAnt - Sorry. Too much treelover.
Carys' points: 3
Ghost's points: 7
NuclearAnt's points: 4
Total score: 14
Hunter, enter the stage! (Pic 1/Pic 2)
Carys - man those horns! scary good looking set.
Ghost - Traditionally, at least in my opinion, hunters have drawn the short straw when it comes to tier armor design. Blizzard doesn't appear to have settled on a hunter look, and it's a shame. Tier 8, while I admit it looks pretty cool, doesn't look like an armor someone using a ranged weapon would use. Far too clumsy look.
NuclearAnt - Love the gasmask but it doesn't really feel like hunter to me.
Carys' points: 8
Ghost's points: 5
NuclearAnt's points: 8
Total score: 21
Mage! No blinking on the runway! (Pic 1/Pic 2)
Carys - whats up with all the eyes on their set? helmet looks like some kind of futurama tribute!
Ghost - I bow to the designers. Solid work on this garb. Some polish and this tier set will be perfect.
NuclearAnt - Gives me a cosy Final Fatasy feeling for some reason.
Carys' points: 5
Ghost's points: 9
NuclearAnt's points: 8
Total score: 22're up! (Pic 1/Pic 2)
Carys - showing way to much skin and will look horrible on male chars, then again we all know what way belf boys swing. edit: nvm didnt realise male got a diffrent skin
Ghost - I'm...speechless. Most paladin tier sets, with a few exceptions, have been really ugly throughout the course of this game...but this... Scifi spacesuit meet some early civilization, I'm not sure what it is supposed to be but it isn't an armor fit for a paladin. Banana shoulders is better than this even.
NuclearAnt - The women look like some futuristic version of a SARS mask or something. The men on the other hand tell us they aren't healadins anymore. Tankadin!!
Carys' points: 2
Ghost's points: 3
NuclearAnt's points: 8
Total score: 13
Big round of applause for the Priest! (Pic 1/Pic 2)
Carys - winnar. i even like the tulip-looking shoulders, the helmet covering half your face is pretty neat too.
Ghost - Priests have had a pretty high standard when it comes to tier set looks, and tier 8 is no exception. Overall really classy, although I'm not sure about the helm. It's doesn't strike me as priest-like.
NuclearAnt - Like the hint of wings, but the glowing eyes give them a somewhat surprised expression.
Carys' points: 10
Ghost's points: 8
NuclearAnt's points: 7
Total score: 25
Rogue, you're up. Don't you dare sneak away! (Pic 1/Pic 2)
Carys - even the scary wodoo-helmet looks good and the shoulders are just lovely. Might even look good on male orc rogues!
Ghost - Rogue tier 8 does look pretty cool, but there are things I would like to change. First of all the hideous skull cap needs to go. And second, I'd like the set to have a more leathery look. The set show some potential though.
NuclearAnt - Rogue, love it. Can't really tell why, but I like it.
Carys' points: 9
Ghost's points: 6
NuclearAnt's points: 9
Total score: 24
Shaman! Ice Shock! (Pic 1/Pic 2)
Carys - wtf2 no kilt here either? other than that it kind of looks cool.
Ghost - The Shaman tier 8 look pretty awesome, but there was something wrong about it that I couldn't place. After I while I realized it. No kilt! Again! Add a kilt and this could be a 10-pointer.
NuclearAnt - Looks a little wierd on a human, but I like the cracked lava'ish texture on the shoulders.
Carys' points: 6
Ghost's points: 8
NuclearAnt's points: 7
Total score: 21
Next model on the runway is, the Warlock! (Pic 1/Pic 2)
Carys - again poor male orcs those shoulders will look like shit on them, other than that its a funky set, more druid than warlock i'd say though.
Ghost - Warlocks have had some of the coolest tier sets in this game, and tier 8 doesn't disappoint in that regard. I really, really like the general idea. However, it seem really unpolished and unfinished compared to many other tier 8 armor sets. Give the set more attention and it could turn into something great.
NuclearAnt - Definetly the coolest so far, but I settle for 9/10. Digged it when you saw a forsaken in that outfit during the cutscene in Dragonblight.
Carys' points: 4
Ghost's points: 7
NuclearAnt's points: 9
Total score: 20
...and the last model for the night, let's hear it for the Warrior! (Pic 1/Pic 2)
Carys - omg more horns! and the two middle colors makes it look like the ass is up front!
Ghost - The look of the set itself, it isn't that bad. But it doesn't really fit the warrior. As a matter of fact, this set would have looked better on a paladin. Warrior tier sets should look badass, not defensive as this one
NuclearAnt - Warriors. Took over Paladin tier 3/7. Tough luck.
Carys' points: 4
Ghost's points: 4
NuclearAnt's points: 4
Total score: 12
Death Knight 20
Druid 14
Hunter 21
Mage 22
Paladin 13
Priest 25
Rogue 24
Shaman 21
Warlock 20
Warrior 12
1st place: Priest
2nd place: Rogue
3rd place: Mage
4th place: Hunter/Shaman
5th place: Death Knight/Warlock
6th place: Druid
7th place: Paladin
8th place: Warrior
Big grats to the top 3 classes, your tier 8 sets get the Ghost of Warcraft Past seal of approvement and thus you can raid in style! Don't cash in yet though, I might revise the score if I can get hold on a fourth jury member!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Current PTR status: Live
Monday, February 23, 2009
Healing Fun (Revisited!)
The healing role have always been very dear to me, and my characters tended to become healers if at all possible. I'll try to pinpoint what makes healing fun, and what makes healing not fun, and see if I can come to some sort of a conclusion.
When is healing fun?
Healing is challenging - I like it when healing is challenging. Mana shouldn't be a non-issue and I should have to use my spells to the fullest, unless I totally overgear the instance. Goes hand in hand with healing variation.
Use of non-healing spells - I like it when I can use spells that aren't immidiately associated with healing to help my group and help with my role. In fact it's one of the more gratifying feelings since it doesn't happen that often. At least not compared to using healing spells. Be it a timely spell interrupt, stun or crowd control.
Variation when healing - I like it when I'm encouraged to use my full set of healing and damage prevention spells when healing. I don't want to be able to spam one spell over and over again and get away with it.
Varying types of damage - In raids I like it when there's a mix of predictable and unpredictable damage, as well as targeted damage versus AoE damage. Unpredictable damage keep you on your toes and the predictable damage is a pleasant distraction.
When assignments matter - In raids I like it when you can assign healers to certain targets, and it makes the encounter easier. It shouldn't be rocket science, but assignments should matter.
When isn't healing fun?
Discrimination - It's not fun when a dungeon seem constructed as a counter to certain healing specs. What comes to mind is Magisters' Terrace for holy paladins, at least before WotLK. While it was doable, it was much easier for the remaining healing specs at the time.
Healer is to blame - It's not fun when everything that can go wrong in an encounter can be blamed on the healer. Since healers are responsible for keeping the group/raid alive, much of what can go wrong can be blamed on them. That comes with the job. But healers shouldn't be able to bail out damage dealers every single time they do something stupid, just because you can save them in theory if you react near instantly and/or waste loads of mana. Mostly a raid issue.
Spamming - It's not fun when one healing spell rule them all. This is even more important after the downranking nerf.
UI fall short - Healers spend most of their time watching health bars. Many of the UI shortcommings can be fixed by downloading 3:rd party addons. But the fact that the UI, after all these years, still is so primitive and poor for healers is incredible. In a bad way. Even with addons we can feel impaired in certain situation because of UI limitations.
When benched - It's not fun when a healer get benched only because the raid want to do a timed run or get some other achievement done. This is a fundamental flaw with healing in this game. You work yourself out of a raid spot.
So what can be done to make healing more fun?
Keep challenging healers - This is an obvious solution, and something that Blizzard always aim to do. Keep in mind that all specs need to be challenged but also encouraged to use all their spells to keep on top of healing.
Less healing fallback - Use more enrage timers, punish stupid damage dealers in ways other than by damage in some encounters.
Let healers increase dps - It kinda goes against all Laws of WoW, but it would be nice if healers can increase the potency of damage dealers dps by the means of active and passive buffs. The healers themselves shouldn't dps. It would be awesome if bringing the standard amount of healers would give a higher overall raid dps than bringing fewer, but decrease the overall dps if more are brought.
Revamp the UI - Sounds like a no-brainer, but it has hardly been touched from vanilla WoW so it can't be that obvious. Healers need to be able to have fun healing without addons. Some people say they do fine without them, but I can assure them that they'll never look back if they start using them. Healers need to be able to do this without addons: customize the look/size of the UI, filter options on buffs/debuffs shown and possibility to show both types at the same time, urgent debuffs that is always shown with a larger icon (encounter specific) and the possibility to make debuffs curable for the class shown as urgent or visualized in some other way, make the raid frame belonging to someone being targeted stand out from the crowd, easy way to go mouse-over healing (like Clique/Healbot), restored UI after disconnects, an actual threat meter... I could go on forever.
Thinking outside the box - I have no idea how fun it would be, but what about this: possibility to charge up a healing spell, possibility to start cast and hold healing spells, feint spellcasting, healing combos and so on.
There you go, some suggestions on how one can make healing more fun in WoW. This was mostly for PvE, as PvP is another matter completly. It has to do with survivability. What comes to mind in terms of PvP I'd say innate resilience, some base resilience that increase with level that keep burst damage down in PvP. Letting healers increase dps as suggested above might buy them some time as well.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
PTR Forums now Open + Character Copy Available
(Source) / (Source)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Dual Spec on the Horizon
Nethaera: Who will be able to use it?
Ghostcrawler: Players who have reached the maximum level will be able to set up dual specs.
I know that this isn't set in stone, and that they might expand the feature to include characters leveling up, but I think this is too restrictive. Personally I would allow players to get this ability at lvl 70 to begin with, and expand down to lvl 60 if deemed possible. Also make the ability WotLK only.
Nethaera: Why do players need to be max level in order to do this?
Ghostcrawler: We didn’t want to burden lower-level players with extra complexity as they’re working to level up and learn their class. But if the feature proves popular we might consider expanding it.
You are seriously underestimating your players. Besides, it's not like it's mandatory to get a second spec. If you think it's too complicated then you can wait with getting it.
Nethaera: How do you switch between specs?
Ghostcrawler: Players will be able to switch between their talent specs by visiting any Lexicon of Power provided they’ve paid for the ability to have a secondary spec. Lexicons of Power will be available in major cities, and inscribers will also be able to create a new item that summons one. Anyone can purchase this item, but it requires a ritual of several players to summon it for use by the party. It’s similar to a repair bot in that it will exist in the world for a short duration. It’s important to keep in mind that you will not be able to switch specs while in combat or Arenas. While you won’t be able to switch your spec without the Lexicon, you will still be able to look at your secondary spec whenever you want to.
Seem like a good solution to be honest. Would be cool if Lexicons of Power could be added in Shattrath and Dalaran. Raiders having to take a detour to Azeroth every tim

Nethaera: Is the item that allows you to summon a Lexicon of Power reusable, or is it used up?
Ghostcrawler: We haven’t made a final decision on that yet, and will be evaluating how it works on the PTR.
Tough call. Both would work really. Reusuable equals more of an achievement for the character, while one time use mean more business opportunities for inscriptors. I'm leaning towards reusuable myself, with some hard to get materials.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Ulduar Preview and PTR Testing!
Also the development of Ulduar is getting close to the point where public testing will be needed. Blizzard have decided to keep a leash on what is being tested and what is not. Both so that the most zealous raiding guilds won't have the dungeon on farm before the public testing is over, but also so that the developers can get better, more focused feedback on the encounters being tested. The first set of boss encounters to be tested is: Freya, Thorim, Hodir and The Iron Council.
(Source) / (Source)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Class Change Highlights
Jokes aside, there's some really nice stuff in that list, so go have a look if you haven't already.
Next time I post it will probably be about the dual spec announcement.
Mana Regeneration Nerf and Healing Fun
A list of some of the changes in short:
- Decreased mana regeneration outside the five second rule.
- Reduced mana regeneration granted by spirit across the board.
- Boosted effect from spirit regen ---> mp5 abilities/talents.
- Increased healing penalty on Divine Plea from 20% to 50%.
- Spiritual Attunement won't be as effective for holy paladins anymore.
- Clearcasting procs won't keep you out of the five second rule.
- Raids will be balanced with the assumption that replenishment will be present.
The changes should have the following impact on the different healing classes:
- Druids and priests: Will be less tempted to regen mana outside the five second rule. The change to clearcasting procs will make it harder to remain outside previously mentioned rule. Intensity/Meditation will be buffed so that mana regen within the five second rule will remain roughly the same as before the nerf. Will have more issues recovering mana out of combat (have to drink more).
- Paladins: Will not have a very favorable mana regen in encounters with heavy raid damage, and thus have a more even mana regen. Divine Plea will not be cast mindlessly anymore.
- Shamans: Won't be affected much by the nerf. The other classes will be brought down to the shaman class in terms of mana regeneration.
Nerfs to mana regeneration has happened several times since the dawn of the game, and this won't likely be the last time. I agree with the developers that mana regeneration needs to be kept in check. While it's never fun to be nerfed, it's not fun to never have to think about mana either. A mana regen nerf will mean that mana efficient spells will have a comeback, and with them come a new level of skill: to know when to use the appropriate spell. So in this case a nerf = more fun.
However in some ways I don't agree with how they choose to nerf mana regen. For instance how they nerf the potency of mana regen outside of the five second rule. First off making the most out of out-of-casting regen takes some skill, but most of all it's fun. Do healers need less fun at this point? I can hardly believe my eyes when Ghostcrawler say, after all the talk about mana regen nerfs, that they'd like for healers to be able to pause without disaster as a result... Ehm, wouldn't the five second rule be a nice incentive to take it easy? The current changes bring spirit closer to mp5. Depending on how much they choose to nerf regen outside of the five second rule, they might not be encouraged to pause at all.
By the way, isn't it about time that Intensity/Meditation become baseline for druids/priests? They were as must-have as talents get for balance/resto/disc/holy/shadow even before the buff. After the buff it's just silly...
What's next on the agenda...ah yes, replenishment. I like the idea of replenishment. I don't like how they are making it mandatory for raiding. What happened to "bring the player, not the class"? A mandatory replenishment goes against this goal, and it doesn't even make raiding more fun in the process. It would be better for the game if it was made into a minor buff that a few classes brought as a bonus, and that replenishment is balanced around existing mana regen instead of mana regen getting balanced around an imbalanced replenishment.
They said the high mana regeneration at the moment devalues the ability. I'd say that the pathetic raid difficulty at the moment devalues the ability. In Ulduar we will see replenishment's true colors, and I'm certain it will be deemed overpowered at that point.
On the bright side, paladins have so far been nerfed in ways that doesn't make them less fun to heal with. The change to Divine Plea should even make things more interesting and fun. Wish that druids and priests could recieve the same treatment.
(Source) / (Source)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Tigole moves on
Jeffrey "Tigole" Kaplan has left his position as Lead Game designer of World of Warcraft to instead work on Blizzard's upcomming, and currently unannounced, MMO. While he'll still be involved with the game, he'll leave the day to day operations to his collegues Tom Chilton and J. Allen Brack.
Good luck Tigole. I'm counting on you to work your magic on that new project of yours.
An Introduction
Ghost here. Corny I know, but it is what I feel like. Still having a burning interest in something but being unable to vent about it. Even if I was able to somehow do that, my opinions would still be invalid since I don't play anymore. For that reason I mainly write for my own sake, for my own sanity, since I'm guessing not many are interested in what old has-beens has to say. Any and all that are interested in input from a not so likely source are more than welcome though.
My plan is to keep up to date with how WoW develop, mainly through reading the official forums, and post about stuff that catch my interest. This post could be anything from a BUMP! to "this is how I would have done it!".
Anyways, time to wrap up. Thanks for reading.